Thursday, February 01, 2007

7th International Nematology Symposium of the RSN

The Russian Society of Nematologists will realize the 7th International Nematology Symposium at the Institute of Biology, Karelian Research Centre of RAS, Petrozavodsk, Russia from 9th to 14th July 2007.

The Russian Society of Nematologists is one of the more respected concerning nematodes and has been organizing the symposiums since 1995, each 3 years. The last one was in Vladivostok.

The main theme of the symposium will be "Role of nematodes in the functioning of undisturbed and human-transformed terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems". Abstracts should be send until 15th March.

For those who are interested in participate, infomation can be seen in the website of the symposium here.

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