Tuesday, March 10, 2009

NeMys is back!

As you have noticed, NeMys has been offline during the last few months but I have good news for all nematologists.The NeMys website is back online since 1 march 2009.

According to the NeMys team, some aspects still are not optimally running. Within the next weeks you may expect changes and updates to the system in order to get everything back to the same level as before the crash!

The NeMys team is also asking users to register themselves again to the system.

For those who do not know, NeMys is a generic online species information system. It wants to act as a digital platform, storing all kinds of information for biological taxa. Storing data on morphology, biogeography, taxonomy, literature, pictures, collections and molecular aspects in one single dataset creates a large group of possible end users and allows data analysis and comparison for a specific taxonomic group from a variety of approaches. The generic architecture is reflected by the variety of databases available through this system: plants, animals (vertebrates and invertebrates).

You can acess the NeMys page here.

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