Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Meiofauna Conferences

Meiobenthologists and visiters of this page probably are informed that the next Internacional Meiofauna Conference will be hold in Brazil, more exactly in Recife.

The event organization has been jointly organized by the Research Groups on Meiofauna from Brazil and will begin in excatly 6 months and 6 days (take a look in the countdown in our site!).

From now, accompany with attention the information that will be added here by Meiofauna Brasil, specially the deadline for abstracts, conference programme, etc.

The meiobenthologists internacional meetings (conferences) begun officially in Tunisia, in 1969, when 28 researchers joined to discuss taxonomy and ecology of meiobenthos. The second meeting occurred 4 years later, in 1973, at York (England). From that year the meiobenthologists used to be meet in regular periods (each 3 years) and the event has been incresing in terms of number of participants and works presented.

Until the present moment 12 Conferences were realized:

1. : Tunis (Tunisia) - 1969
2. : York (England) - 1973
3. : Hamburg (Germany) - 1977
4. : Columbia (USA) - 1980
5. : Gent (Belgium) - 1983
6. : SIMCO: Tampa (USA) - 1986
7. : SVIMCO: Viena (Austria) - 21st to 25th August 1989
8. : EIMCO: Maryland (EUA) - 9th to 14th August 1992
9. : NIMCO: Perpignan (France) - 3rd to 7th July 1995
10. : XIMCO: Plymouth (England) - 27th to 31st July 1998
11. : ELIMCO: Boston (USA) - 15th to 20th July 2001
12. : TWIMCO: Ravenna (Itália) - 11st to 16th July 2004

The last conference, in Ravenna, joint more than 200 researchers from very diverse places and during the meeting was decided that for the first time the event will be carried out in the Southern Hemisphere. The THIRIMCO will be hold in Recife Palace Hotel from 29th July to 2rd August 2007.

The web site of the event is on line for some months and can be visited using our permanent link or here.

The registration for the conference is open and the promocional registration fee will be until 1st May 2007. AT the same way the abstract model is also on-line on the event site.

Visit the site and hope see you all in Recife!

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