Tuesday, November 17, 2009

PINC: Application for academic year 2010-2012 is open!

The application for PINC (Post-graduation International Nematology Course) academic year 2010 - 2012 is open!!!

The scholarship granted by the Flemish interuniversity council and university development cooperation is oriented towards students and professionals from countries from the following list: VLIR country list. The VLIR scholarship programme is particularly aimed to people from developing countries with a minimum of professional experience who occupy key or strategic positions at an institution in their native country. The opportunities for knowledge application and transfer after the scholar returns home are an important scholarship selection criterion. Other admission requirements refer to: age, education, motivation, language, gender, financial resources.

With the support of the Belgian Directorate-General for Development Cooperation, each year 12 scholarships are assigned to students applying for the Master of Nematology.

For more information you can visit the VLIRuos or PINC website!

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