Thursday, July 10, 2008

5th Congress of the European Malacological Societies

The Instituto Português de Malacologia (IPM) and the Marine Palaeobiogeography Working Group (MPB) are happy to announce the joint organization of the 5th Congress of the European Malacological Societies (CEMS) and the 2nd Atlantic Islands Neogene International Congress (AINIC), to be held at Ponta Delgada, São Miguel Island (Azores, Portugal) on 2-6 September 2008.

Congress registration fees:

- Full registration: 130 €**

- Student: 90 € *

- Accompanying person: 75 € **

*proof of status required; ** no documentation;

Fees include registration in both 2nd AINIC and 5th CEMS, abstract book of both congresses (except accompany person), icebreaker, coffee breaks, drinks and the wine/beer/degustation poster reception. The Congress Excursion to 'Furnas' lake (thursday) and the Congress dinner (Friday) are not included.

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